Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tattoo You Sir...

One's generally esteemed colleague, the Rev. Mullen, has gotten himself deep into some pretty hot water for 'injudicious' (if you accept the "only joking" excuse offered) or downright awful (if you take him straight - as it were!) remarks about the efficacy of tattooing male homosexualists' bottoms with dire warnings concerning the health risks pertaining to the act of sodomy.

We have been, of course, historically a society that has not shunned from branding certain classes of criminals with a palpable and everlasting mark of their offence. ("Oh you mean Jones the Burglar? Fat bloke, hangs round the village pump most days. Got a dirty big 'B' branded on his forehead. You'll not miss him.)

Not, overall, conducive to rehabilitation that one I would have thought, but no matter now. We are done with it and for better no doubt. But are we in danger of missing an important trick here? Seems we might. For story just in of perhaps the most hapless criminal loon of the year, who was caught nicking cars by a CCTV camera that had little difficulty in homing in on his neck on which the man's name and date of birth had been largely and visibly tattooed!

An elective act presumably, handy perhaps even for assuring oneself of one's identity at an amnesiac drugged or drunken moment. Useful at parties too, for avoiding those awkward moments of trying to pretend you can recall the name of the newly arrived, dimly but very distantly remembered, guest who hails you as the best of friends.

Think of the possibilities. Would save a fortune on ID cards or DNA databases. Being 'collared' - that once popular name for being arrested by a member of Her Majesty's finest constabulary - would take on fresh meaning and legs. ('Scuse me Sir. May I just turn down your shirt collar for a moment to confirm whom I am arresting for littering the Queen's highway?)

H, mind you, has always banged on about how I should have my name and number embellished on the old dog-collar lest I get lost far from home. Have assumed 'til now she to have been jesting. Must re-visit that premise!

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