Monday, May 21, 2007

Let Them Eat Carrot Cake...

Well actually, "Let them eat rich, expensive, funny-shaped, yellow, eggy buns" would have been a more accurate translation of the historic dietary advice, had indeed Marie Antoinette ever said such a cruel thing: the poor have no peasants' pain? Then let them have the brioches of the rich.

Allowing then that these are the wrong words of a wronged woman, I am this evening of a mind they are much deserved. And to whom should they be uttered? Why, vegetarians of course.

As a committed carnivore I regard the lentil brigade much as I do some obscure religious sect - to be tolerated as barking, but only so long as they don't come knocking on my door.

If veggies can't stomach a Mars Bar because of its animal product content, then let them eat carrot cake say I.

Far better for them of course, and shame on Masterfood for their craven surrender.

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