Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Crazy Days...

...the least - let alone the more - of you will have spotted how few posts there have been here these last months.

Many the reasons for this. Work, life...blah, blah. So many other distractions, too many to mention.

But key has been how to comment in any rational or valid way on a world gone utterly, utterly crazy? Nothing one can say seems to have relevance or purpose when so much is totally insane. "The horror, the horror"...once one accepts Colonel Kurtz's view, is there really anything else to say?

But, one will try. Two moments just cannot be ignored.

First. Two Christian preachers - the evangelical types one would ordinarily cross the road to avoid - are close to being arrested for daring to distribute religious leaflets in a predominately Muslim part of an English city. They are told they are committing a 'hate crime' and if there were to be beaten up - as they assuredly would be - it would be nothing but their own fault.

Well damn their eyes I say! Not the eyes of the preacher men, but the police auxiliary goons who dare spout such offensive rubbish. John Stuart Mill you should be living now!

Second. An man is refused access to an aircraft because his tee-shirt carries an image of a gun!!! It is a cartoon. It is some ink on cotton. Yet he cannot board the aircraft until he changes into some other, less offensive, garb.

Bloody, bloody nonsense both. The one not unconnected to the other.

This is my tee-shirt I wear everywhere - and I swear - everyday now: "If You're Not Appalled You've Not Being Paying Attention."

Need one say more?

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