Saturday, December 13, 2008

ECB - Lord Save Us!

Intercessory prayer to the Saints is my common practice. There may be some low churchers who care not for it, but I care not for them uncharitable though that thought may be. (Many a lost car key or somesuch precious domestic item has been restored courtesy of dear Saint Anthony. Try it. Works every time.)

The accredited Saint does of course have the ear of the Almighty. That goes with the badge as it were. But what of the regular soul? Can one be so assured? Possibly not, though there is little lost in trying.

Hence tonight my prayer is for the intercession of Thomas Lord in the case of Regina vs. ECB and all its dark ways. Good egg certainly. Saint not noted in the calendar as such, but the man who gifted the land that now is the HQ of cricket must deserve some small place in Paradise surely?

And on that premise I invoke his heaven sent assistance to thwart the fell desire of the ECB (and all its very dark works) to rob Lord's of its two Tests a year, guaranteeing only - can one imagine the very idea - no more than two Tests every five years!

This - for those who know not these things - is a bit like saying that Wimbledon can host the All England Championship every once in a while, or Twickenham the odd game of international rugby!

Dear Thomas Lord I beseech thee thus....

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