Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Farewell My Horse...

...it has indeed taken the derring-do of the aforementioned to stir me from the torpor that has prevented me posting these past weeks.

For I am man in mourning and silence is my retreat from pain.

My beloved horse - Diamond Jane, or Janey, or even 'J-Pops' - is sold and I shall never see her again. I am bereft. E wanted it so to advance her equestrian career; H commanded it so. I, therefore, acquiesced though with heavy heart and spirit torn.

She - a mare - has gone to an new owner who swears to cherish her. I will rip the woman asunder if I hear any different.

Fed, watered, groomed and well-ridden that is all she will want. She may or may not wonder when 'Grandad' will next visit, but I shall miss sorely her until the day I die.

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