"And today we print the hard-hitting interview all Britain has waited for after voting out the foul-mouthed housemate by a landslide on Friday night."
Most of Britain appears to reject Ms Goody by voting her out, yet it would seem - at least according to the 'News of the World' - those very same people can't wait to read what she has to say. Something not right about that, though undoubtably perfectly true.
Nice touch giving her interview fee to charity. (Rehabilitation starts here folks. The Priory next for some 'anger management' training? A relaunch in the Spring hugging some unwilling Indian babies and dedicating her life to 'bringing people closer together'?)
What charity might be suitable - apart of course from our roof restoration fund, which would on principle refuse the donation! - or indeed would any charity wish to be seen accepting the money?
No doubt PR people have already negotiated that in advance. Though in her case perhaps not: as Max Clifford so painfully pointed out, the risk of putting Ms Goody back into the same world that created her was compellingly obvious. What were her people thinking of he wonders?
They should have remembered their Tom Wolfe - 'You can never go home.'
But enough of this. One is in danger of buying into the very damaged product we all claim to abhor. ("No of course I never watch these things - but did you see that moment the other night when so-and-so did such-and-such? Oh darling, wasn't it so frightful!)
Time to reach for a favourite book and once more savour its wisdom: 'They Speak by Silence' - reflections on the still world of the Charterhouse. Written by an anonymous monk naturally.
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