Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Et Cum Spiritu Tuo...

A certain happy thought tonight - a reasonable counter-balance to the grim news from the Metropolis [see previous] - dear Shelina (to be found at has returned to the fray after a considerable period of absence.

One can understand that we all need time away from the all-consuming, all-demanding world of the 'blog', that perpetual insistence from others to speak out on significant matters can be wearing, that the ink of inspiration may occasionally run dry in the pen of creation - and so forth - but now that she has had her sabbatical I, for one, greet her return with some discreet joy.

There are a number of factors to this sense of personal pleasure. The woman in question is bright and lively in what she says, she is of more than comely appearance (though naturally that is of absolutely no significance whatsoever if you are reading this H!) and - truth be told - she opens a perspective on the world that is largely lacking in my own life.

The Wolds - or at least this particular stretch of it - is largely not inhabited by many, if any, Muslim families. Multi-culturalism has, by and large, not caught up with us as yet, or we with it.

There is too - logically - a nil return on Muslim adherents among the local Anglican clergy with whom one professionally mixes. One of course can never be definitive about this. Take Canon Michael, for example, who is proud to proclaim that he is a practising Buddhist. Bish Tom of course being perfectly happy for him [Can. Michael] to be one such, though just slightly wishing he weren't so public about this interesting mix of faiths. 'At least,' says BT with some reason, 'He believes in something, which is more than can be said for a number of his clerical brethren!'

One does occasionally have the interesting opportunity to meet people of other faiths and to explore their respective views on the world at some ecumenical shindig, but as Rabbi Lionel Blue once remarked these meetings infrequently get beyond the basic and repetitive level of 'How nice that you're a Christian' or 'How nice that you're a Jew' etc., etc.

So to have the opportunity to be in touch with an intelligent young Muslim woman via this weird world of 'blog' - to listen to what she has to say, to ponder and reflect on her words - is a bit of a treat.

And just to re-iterate for the Parish record, the gossips of the village pump and H's lawyers: the fact that said Shelina is a beautiful young woman as well as a pleasant companion in words, is entirely a matter of accident not substance!

1 comment:

Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

As always you are most kind and your words most refreshing. My pen has new ink in it, and 2007 is already proving to have much to write about... My keyboard is at your disposal if there is anything in particular that you'd like me to mull over or write about... (but no promises!)