Sunday, February 04, 2007

Getting Better All The Time...

...H here in exultant mood.

The results are announced and Mildred is triumphant! Cathy shamed us all by publicly announcing her change of allegiance, but to no bad effect mercifully. On the contrary, all the men of the village got the message and whatever their previous intentions - or orders from above [their women] - voted for M and her in droves, thus securing their elections by margins that defy belief.

That Mrs J. herself managed to cling on to her seat is perhaps no surprise, and a prepared for fly in any ointment, but her party is by and large routed. Colonel X no longer holds the Treasury portfolio - no one could have predicted this! - being reduced to the merely ceremonial 'Constable-at-Arms'.

His compensation is that technically he can arrest any citizen of his choosing for any alleged offence, though I seriously question whether even he would be so foolish as to seek to exercise this medieval throwback authority.

Cathy becomes 'Partnership Co-ordinator' - whatever on earth that could possibly mean, whilst dear Mildred takes over 'Forward Planning and Governance' - a vital role I'm sure you'll agree.

Maurice remains Chairman as is his semi-feudal right [See previous on this] and I am happy to retain my function as Disperser of Posts - actually nothing more than arranging the Church flower patrol, though a function of considerable weight if little obvious import.

Dear PP remains oblivious to the whole thing. All day he has been humming 'May you never lay your head down without a hand to hold...etc'. Utterly impervious to my own delight in how the night went, he is quoting Shakespeare and beaming. Daft as a brush, bless him.

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