Sunday, January 27, 2008

"Gotta Pick A Suitcase Or Two...

...We'll have noted the not unusual tale of hordes of Eastern European folk being recently nicked for offences of theft in London town. Quite Fagin-esque sending young children out to pick the odd pocket or, more in the modern mode, mug some poor punter who has just squeezed his last fifty out of a cash machine.

Not terribly tasteful all round, but as one says not entirely without precedent.

But a tale of thieving from Sweden that you may not have spotted has me in giggles.

The plot is thus. Buy a ticket for a long-haul bus trip. Queue with the other passengers to load your unassuming looking suitcase into the hold. Enjoy the journey then walk off with same suitcase, but one now full of stolen goodies.

How then is it done, this almost magic trick? Simple. Inside your own suitcase you hide a dwarf - a thieving dwarf not just any sort of small fellow. Once bus in under way, your chap emerges from hiding, rifles through the other bags and baggage for any valuables he can find, then zips himself back up inside your own suitcase near journey's end with the loot.

Presumably there must some risk that the poor thieving dwarf will be stuck at the bottom of a whole heap of cases, not be able to move or hardly to breathe. Perhaps one legs it into the bus station at the very last minute to avoid just such a tragedy.

Clever, darn clever all round. Except clearly they've now been rumbled. Not sure how, the report did not tell. Perhaps as ever sin will out. Bit like thieving dwarfs then.

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