Saturday, April 18, 2009

"Let Them Eat Fibre..." very handy. The NHS in Bristol has taken their time and our money to print leaflets advising the recently unemployed not to become despondent, but to eat plenty of fruit and veg and get a good night's sleep.

Alcoholic abstinence is urged, whilst brisk walks are advised - though not presumably to the pub - to stimulate the endorphins and 'make you feel energised and positive.'

"Taking care of yourself," we are wisely informed, "will help you to stay in good shape so you are able to cope well with life's difficulties. It will also prepare you for your return back to work when a job opportunity comes up."

Perfectly sound advice of course, bleeding obvious naturally. Play well with people about to lose their homes, whose lives are in meltdown? Possibly not.

Let them eat fibre indeed!

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