Saturday, December 29, 2007

Babes And Sucklings...

...As a child I can recall being invited onto the stage at a magic show. We - the little chosen girl and I - stood either side of the magician as he did a trick first with me and then with her.

When he turned to do his trick with the little girl I could see what no one else in the audience could see - his right hand sneaking into his pocket.

Being but an infant - keen of eye and noble in truth-telling - I was about to try calling out to Mum "Look, see what he's doing. He's cheating Ma!"

Sensing my planned perfidy - knowing full well the ways of little children - the magician employed one of his more crafty tricks. He shuffled just slightly backwards towards me and landed a great crushing heel on my tiny wee foot.

The only cry the audience then heard was my sharp yelp of pain. The trick was done.

So today comes another trick, but this one has come unstuck. Police arrive at a suspected villain's house. Said suspected villain does not care to be found at home and goes to hide in a cupboard. Girlfriend of same bewails the officers that she's not seen him for months.

But then up steps the little four year old son of the bloke in question and in the cupboard:

"I can show you where Daddy is hiding!" he cries out in happy, honest tones.

Babes and sucklings eh!

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