Thursday, December 28, 2006

Did I Miss Something?

A solid start to the second innings: thoughtful defensive play where necessary, with the loose ball given the proper aggressive thwack. One could never be sure, of course, but having stayed with England long enough to steer them past the immediate post-prandial reefs and rocks it seemed safe to hove to, unfurl the hammock and leave them to it.

But Holy Flipper - not to mention Slider, Zooter and Wrong 'Un - what has the morning brought? An innings and 99 run defeat that is what one has woken to! Four nil down and the England team lining up to have the bucket of whitewash chucked all over 'em!

I blame Tony Blair naturally. He is, after all, the Shelob at the heart of the web of dissolution, degeneration and delinquency that haunts this country. Quite though the link between his miserable self and our abject defeat Down Under is something as yet with which I struggle. It will come to me I am sure of that.

Thank God for the well-named Barmy Army for whom a pre-match picnic is not complete without a drenching by hailstones, who will belt 'Jerusalem' all the louder as the sun sets on our team and who will positively burst with patriotic fervour when darkness falls finally in Sydney. Makes you proud to be English!

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