Friday, December 15, 2006

Touching Evil...

We are but half a petrol tank away from Ipswich, close enough to feel the fear as well as to share in the sorrow. Two chilling moments have brought the fear stark before our faces today.

E returns home from school to announce that they have been warned that a man has been attempting to lure school-girls into his car as they leave. Police are posted at the gates and girls are warned not to go home alone. As E is picked up every night by either H or myself so as to have her to horse and thence, one hopes, to homework in good time the actual peril to her is minimal yet still chilling.

Sadder too in its revelation of our all too familiar communal apathy when others are at risk, is a story in the local newspaper of a teenager, in a nearby town, who was attacked by a man who tried to drag her into his van as she passed a row of shops. She, mercifully, screamed and fought until her assailant - would be rapist or killer - let go and fled. But did anyone from any of the shops even come out to see what was going on, let alone help her? No, not one person came to her aid or even showed interest.

When interviewed, one shopkeeper said he was always hearing shouts and screams so why should he care if he heard one more?

And this now of all times? I rage and I mourn.

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