Tuesday, December 12, 2006

On Brewing and Bishops..

Poor old Bishop Butler down Southwark way seems to have landed himself in a bit of a pickle in the matter of being 'mugged' by some drink taken at an Irish reception. Witnesses report said swaying Bish climbing into the back of a car - most certainly not his own - thence throwing some toys out of the window before falling out of said vehicle and bashing his head on the pavement.

The Bish himself, replete with black eye and sore head, says he has no recollection whatsoever of the incident, which if nothing else pays due tribute to traditional Irish hospitality. One gathers his flock are by his side and that nothing but acute embarrassment and the generation no doubt of yet another euphemism for being intoxicated - 'throwing one's toys out of the car - as lasting effect.

There are not too many tee-total clergy in my neck of the woods and, to be honest, I am for that glad. It was G K Chesterton who wonderfully wrote that we give thanks to God for Burgundy wine by not drinking too much of it, and I much prefer such a sensitive approach to out-right abstinence carrying, as inevitably it does, a certain 'more righteous than thou' aura.

Mind you, it was the same Chesterton who also wrote: "A hangover is one of the minor proofs of the existence of God." Bishop Butler is no doubt feeling the full force of that sage notion right now!

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