Monday, June 18, 2007

Rara Avis...

...not sure how good your Latin is, but allow me a cautionary tale about a certain well-known car rental company.

Replacement vehicle booked on the Saturday to arrive before [note the clear, unambiguous prepositional use!] 10 ack emma today. Most important as am due for a meeting in the frozen North this afternoon.

As a third party [the AA] had made the booking I took it advisable to confirm with the car hire people yesterday that all was in order with the order.

Most assuredly it was and car would be arriving before [note again] the appointed hour today.

Soon after nine the manager of the hire branch telephones to enquire whether I shall be needing the car for more than the free two days. Indeed I shall. Home collection on the Saturday. All sorted. "Car will be arriving shortly," he says.

Fifteen minutes past the hour of ten and no car. A further ten minutes and one phones to ask what, where, when and why, etc. Yet another ten pass before they can call back with some news. And not very good news at that!

"We've had problems with drivers this morning. Expect car by 11.00"

Well we rant don't we.

"Ah, but the manager phoned to let you know it would be late."

Liar, liar, pants on fire he did. That really annoys the heck out of my annoyed heck. Being late is bad enough, being told total porkies is quite another matter.

Hertz for me next time.

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