Friday, October 13, 2006

"In full agreement..."

Helen here, reeling from Tony Blair's complete affrontery in claiming he agrees with the frank and righteous words of General Sir Richard Dannatt about the need to get out of Iraq and get out quick. What total gall and front if TB believes we will swallow such a claim. Is there no shame in the man whatsoever? Does TB think we have collectively lost all memory and reason. George Orwell should be living now - this is pure '1984' pretending that lies are truth and truth lies.

PP and I do not see eye to eye politically on most things - whether concerning the worlds sacred or profane - but on opposition to the war in Iraq we spoke and speak with one voice. To London we went for protest, and dear PP nearly got himself arrested for shouting what was almost an obscenity as we passed by Downing Street. How I loved him in that moment - though of course the oaf still can't see that having women priests would have prevented the whole fiasco in the first place!

To our surprise and delight the Bishop, far from criticising our stand, preached his own very soulful and pained sermon on the evils of all war and the very particular evil of an illegal war. Not may folk would have known of St Thomas Aquinas's careful and sound views on the theology of 'the just war' before old Tom spoke that day, but they certainly came away knowing more than when they went in!

I sometimes think I would end my days happy if I could give Tony Blair a public slap - just as one would a miscreant who needed to be shocked back into reality. Wake up and feel the sting TB!

Supper's nearly ready PP if you're reading this in your den:)

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