Sunday, October 22, 2006

Merry Christmas Tesco - not

Holy Pooter, I'm on a mission here. Read, if you will, this stinging letter that ought to be appearing in a Daily Telegraph near you soon:


Shopping today at my local Tesco supermarket I was greeted by two large signs wishing me 'Merry Christmas'.

It is not Christmas, merry or otherwise, it is the middle of October; and, as a Christian, I am deeply offended by such total trivialisation of the second most holy feast in my liturgical year.

A protest would go unheard, a boycott unnoticed. I therefore call upon all customers of Tesco - of any or of no faith - to join me henceforth in saying to each and every staff member of that organisation 'And a Merry Christmas to you too' until perhaps somebody gets the point.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Palladas"

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