Sunday, January 21, 2007

Manners Maketh Man...

...that was the motto of our (Charlie and I) school. At the time it seemed of little import - it was just there - but over the years one begins to fathom that in that seemingly trite statement lies so much that is precious to our being.

One is naturally not referring to the mannered manners that require one to know precisely which fork to use with which dish, the correct address to employ with the second son of an Earl, or how to crack a lobster without imperiling one's neighbour - that is merely a form of modern idolatry - but rather that inner warmth of soul that shows itself by being courteous and kind to anyone one meets.

A 'Campaign for Real Manners' would be far too strident and indeed the very antithesis of the thing it seeks to promote. Let though the notion take hold. Latterly we have rather grandiosely begun to talk of 'emotional intelligence.' A simple 'please' or 'thank you' would suffice to cover that ground.

Is that, after all, not the basis of every good prayer we know?

Deo gratias

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